Are You Hitting the Snooze?

The daily morning alarm rings… you wake up enough to pry one arm out from under the blanket. Your hand automatically navigates its way to the bedside nightstand and the alarm clock, a move ingrained by years of repetition. Despite your best intentions of arising on time, not only do...

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The Miracle of Acupuncture

It’s not uncommon to hear patients talk to others about their “acupuncture miracles.” To someone suffering with severe migraines for years on end, and who has tried every drug and medical remedy under the sun, it might seem like a miracle to get relief after just a few simple acupuncture...

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Kick Your Smoking Habit

` Mark your calendar November 20, 2014 is the 38th Annual Great American Smoke Out. According to the American Cancer Society, more people quit smoking for good on this event than any other day.  Every year 4 million Americans quit. You can do it too. There are plenty if reasons...

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Healthy Aging & Improved Longevity

Leaving behind the bright years of youth and entering a quieter, more mature phase in life often prompts the question: How can I preserve my youth and extend my life? Healthy aging and improved longevity is closely related to good Bladder Health. Did you know that….   Incontinence and urinary...

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Research Confirms the Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

Although tea drinking has been associated with health benefits for centuries, only in recent years have its medicinal properties been investigated scientifically. In the past 20 years, thousands of studies have shown green tea’s benefits. It turns out that Green tea is so good for you that it’s even got...

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Acupuncture Helps with Side Effects of Surgery

As more and more testing is done regarding the benefits of Acupuncture versus drug therapy, the age-old alternative treatment continues to post favorable results. The most recent test shows that Acupuncture is very effective in providing long-lasting relief for the side effects suffered by breast cancer patients after surgery and...

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A New Tool to Alleviate Pain

Rapid Release Therapy (RRT) was developed to help people suffering with a variety of musculoskeletal /soft tissue problems. The RRT instrument uses high-speed vibrations. The researchers found  immediate and lasting results with patients who had suffered with chronic issues for years. These patients had been told there was no solution...

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Do You Suffer with Heartburn? Are Medicines Safe?

Heartburn/GastroEsophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD), is the most common digestive disorder in our society. It resulted in more than 150 million prescriptions in 2012. The most common treatment for GERD are proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). In addition to the millions of people who sought medical care for this problem, others purchased...

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Are You Gluten Intolerant?

We are in the midst of a new fad,  “gluten free”. As with many fads there is debate. The vegan camp relies on grains for their protein. The Paleo Camp “cavemen principle”, believe that all grains are bad. Both sides having sound arguments. The substances that we ingest have an...

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A Healthier Thinner You in 2014

The New Year has begun and most of us will be trying to trim our waistline. Many will try the newest fad diet. If you are serious about getting healthier and shedding some pounds, here are some things you should know… Diets don’t work long term, even worse most people...

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