
For all of us at Opus, we can remember the first time that we had acupuncture. Each of our personal healing journeys had ultimately led us to an acupuncture office, unsure what to expect, hoping that this could be the treatment that would help us solve all the unanswered questions we were struggling with.

From asthma to digestive issues, pain management to stress relief, insomnia, headaches, and unresolved emotions, there was a single thing they had in common: acupuncture helped.

For most of us we knew immediately that this treatment was different, and that it could make a difference when other treatments hadn't.

We felt heard

We felt healing

We felt hope

This is how each of us started our own individual journey into becoming a practitioner to be able to share this powerful healing modality with others and change lives the way it had changed each of ours.

Acupuncture at Opus

When you choose Opus for acupuncture, you can feel confident that we have the knowledge and experience to treat even the most complex conditions using not just acupuncture, but other modalities as well. One of the things that we believe is that your body has the ability to heal itself, we are just here to give you the tools and guide you on the path to wellness.

We don't just treat your condition or symptom that brought you in, but we treat you as a whole person, with the belief that all the organs and systems of the body are connected, and need to be working together optimally for better health. Frequently our patients report feeling a deep state of relaxation while receiving an acupuncture treatment, and it's even fondly referred to as an "Acunap" because it is even more restful and regenerative than a traditional nap.

You may leave your treatment feeling energized, renewed, or feeling like to need a real nap.

At Opus we have had a great deal of success treating a wide array of symptoms and health conditions including:

  • Chronic Pain from old injuries, nerve damage, and repetitive motion injuries
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Menstrual irregularities including heavy bleeding, irregular cycles, and difficulty conceiving
  • High cortisol and PTSD
  • Stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Digestive issues like chronic constipation or IBS
  • Supportive treatment for individuals undergoing cancer treatments
  • IVF support, prenatal and pregnancy support
  • Surgery recovery
  • General wellness






Don't just take our word for it, see what happy Opus patients are saying (you can find all of these reviews on our Google Business page), and then give us a call!