Are You Gluten Intolerant?

We are in the midst of a new fad,  “gluten free”. As with many fads there is debate. The vegan camp relies on grains for their protein. The Paleo Camp “cavemen principle”, believe that all grains are bad. Both sides having sound arguments.
The substances that we ingest have an immediate and profound effect on our health. “Gluten are a family of proteins that are shared by members of the grass family. Wheat and grains have been cultivated for thousands of years, but the grains we have today are different from those of our ancestors. Over exposure and genetic manipulation may explain the recent reactions to these plants.” In addition, the storage and milling of these grains encourages the growth of molds, some of which make toxins that are heat-resistant. These toxins can cause intolerance when a human is exposed to these grain byproducts.
Grains are technically the seeds of a grasses. Classic Celiac Disease is a specific auto-immune reaction to gluten found in the seeds of these grasses. We know that 20-30% of the population carries the Celiac gene. Only about 2% ever develop the disease and 5% of Celiacs do not have the gene at all. It has become clear that gluten is creating problems for millions who suffer with intolerance. Intolerance to gluten can manifest as many different conditions depending on the individual. Gluten intolerance creates inflammation, allergies and it can alter metabolism and critical biologic pathways. It can look like ADHD, anxiety, depression, migraines, thyroid dysfunction, infections, bloating, premature aging, infertility, digestive problems, etc. In other words food intolerance can look like any chronic disease.
The effects are very individual and multi-factorial. There is no lab test that can fully predict your outcome. The best way to determine intolerance is to stop all grains in your diet for one month. You need at least one month because the negative effects of intolerance can last for months. After a cleansing period, test with eating a large amount of one grain at a time (rice, wheat, oats, corn, etc). The effects of intolerance are variable ranging from inattention or constipation up to 3 days later to a dramatic allergic reaction.
You can get help developing a strategy and monitoring the results. Dr. OBrien is an experienced practitioner who can provide guidance and support. Substantial improvements can be achieved in your health by going through this process. Remember that 50% of your immune system resides in your gut.
Call us for a FREE consultation. We can help you find out what is making you sick.
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