Are You Gluten Intolerant?

We are in the midst of a new fad,  “gluten free”. As with many fads there is debate. The vegan camp relies on grains for their protein. The Paleo Camp “cavemen principle”, believe that all grains are bad. Both sides having sound arguments. The substances that we ingest have an...

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A Healthier Thinner You in 2014

The New Year has begun and most of us will be trying to trim our waistline. Many will try the newest fad diet. If you are serious about getting healthier and shedding some pounds, here are some things you should know… Diets don’t work long term, even worse most people...

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A Lasting Solution for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Autumn is the season of harvest, a time to gather and pull inward. It is a time to store up fuel, to plan and study for the stillness of the upcoming winter. In autumn everything in nature contracts. Leaves and fruit fall, seeds dry, and the sap of the trees...

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