A Healthier Thinner You in 2014

The New Year has begun and most of us will be trying to trim our waistline. Many will try the newest fad diet. If you are serious about getting healthier and shedding some pounds, here are some things you should know…
Diets don’t work long term, even worse most people will gain more weight after dieting
Your hormones could be making you fat as well as a slow thyroid
Diet foods/programs are a billion dollar industry, yet more than 70% of the USA is considered obese
Toxins in our environment help to keep us fat. You must first start by cleansing your body, so drink lots of water
Avoid over processed foods and remove sugar from your diet or at least lower the amounts as much as possible, Eat whole foods
Not eating will lower your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight, so don’t skip any meals
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you have all day to burn it up so eat a good breakfast and a small dinner
Avoid eating anything after 8:00 PM
Snacking on healthy foods can help you lose weight. Snacking increases your metabolism, turning your body into a fat burning machine.
Being overweight creates many health problems as well as making most people feel depressed
Everyone is different and you need a plan specific to your needs and life style. We can help you find the right balance. Call us, the first consultation and complete health evaluation is FREE. Learn More about what we can do….. review weight loss..opusacupunctureri.com
Eating More Vegetables and exploring new recipes will help you reach your goal of a Healthier Thinner you. Here is a recipe for you to try:
Parsnip and Celery Pilaf
4 Tbs. Extra virgin olive oil
1½ cups parsnip, peeled and chopped
1/3 cup celery, sliced thin or chopped
¼ onions, diced
1 ½ cups uncooked organic brown rice
4 cups organic chicken broth or vegetable broth
½ tsp sea salt
3/8-1/2 tsp. dried thyme and/or rosemary
1/8 tsp. fresh ground black pepper
small can of water chestnuts (optional)
¼ cup of fresh Parsley for color and added flavor (optional)

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add parsnip, celery, and onions and cook 4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Do not let the vegetables brown.
Add brown rice and the next 5 ingredients (rice through broth), and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 10 minutes. (Consult the package of your brown rice for exact cooking time) Stir in water chestnuts if desired for crunchiness.

I have also used quinoa as a rice substitute. If you decide to use quinoa adjust the amount of broth as appropriate. This recipe is very flexible. You can use other vegetables, sun-dried tomatoes, etc. Use your imagination.

35 minutes preparation time. Makes 6 servings.

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