History of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is one of the earliest forms of healing, dating back 5000 years, utilizing needles to provide relief of pain and other common ailments.  In its infancy, sharpened stones were used to apply pressure in specific areas of the body.  Over time, stones gave way to bones and finally, to...

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Can Acupuncture Support Weight Loss?

If you struggle with your weight you are not alone. In fact 30% of adults in the United States are considered obese. Americans spend billions each year to lose weight, yet the number of obese adults continues to rise. Unfortunately, excess weight is not just a cosmetic issue. Being overweight...

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What is Acupuncture? How does it work?

Acupuncture is an ancient medicine discovered more than 5,000 years ago. Acupuncture is based on the premise that the human body strives to be healthy. Health is disturbed by internal and environmental stressors and poor nutrition. Stimulation of acupuncture points specific to your condition work to clear blockages, release tight...

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Acupuncture Today

Today, countries in Asia, such as China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea, along with Western European countries and America are constantly studying, researching and developing Acupuncture and other traditional Oriental treatment techniques.  In this modern world Acupuncture has become very popular in America, England, Germany, Brazil and France because it works...

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The Miracle of Acupuncture

It’s not uncommon to hear patients talk to others about their “acupuncture miracles.” To someone suffering with severe migraines for years on end, and who has tried every drug and medical remedy under the sun, it might seem like a miracle to get relief after just a few simple acupuncture...

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Acupuncture Helps with Side Effects of Surgery

As more and more testing is done regarding the benefits of Acupuncture versus drug therapy, the age-old alternative treatment continues to post favorable results. The most recent test shows that Acupuncture is very effective in providing long-lasting relief for the side effects suffered by breast cancer patients after surgery and...

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Electro-acupuncture Helps Stroke Patients

A person who has suffered any type of a stroke and survived certainly faces a long road to recovery. A recent study shows that Acupuncture can play an important role in helping such a patient along the road to physical repair, rehabilitation and a useful life. The study involving 23...

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Compare Prozac to Acupuncture for Treating Depression

In China, researchers decided to compare the results between treating depression with fluoxetine hydrochloride, the active ingredient in Prozac® and other drugs, with the use of Acupuncture. They did this comparison by choosing 120 people who were diagnosed with depression. Half were treated with Acupuncture and half were treated with...

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A Lasting Solution for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Autumn is the season of harvest, a time to gather and pull inward. It is a time to store up fuel, to plan and study for the stillness of the upcoming winter. In autumn everything in nature contracts. Leaves and fruit fall, seeds dry, and the sap of the trees...

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