Joint Pain? Try Acupuncture First!

When knee pain starts, the medical profession knows just what to do. Start by prescribing painkillers. If that doesn’t work, cut into the knee and remove part of it or maybe better yet, replace the whole knee with an artificial joint! Of course, all these methods of handling require heavy...

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Summer 2012 Olympics: Acupuncture in the Spotlight

As the world watches the Summer 2012 Olympics with bated breath, Chinese medicine has stepped into the spotlight. Each athlete has a regime that allows him or her to best perform, and sometimes it extends beyond the typical physical training. Many professional athletes employ an acupuncturist to keep in top...

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Laugh it up!

Reduce Stress… The leading cause of health problems. Humor can lift your spirit, body, mind and heart. Medical researchers have discovered that laughing can strengthen your heart, improve lung function and boost immunity. A recent study at Loma Linda University found that volunteers who watched comedy videos had a significant...

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Tennis Anyone?

Summer has finally arrived and July has been designated National Tennis Month. So dust off that racket and go have some fun. If your one of the 10% of Americans that can’t due to tennis elbow here is some helpful advice to get back into the game. Lateral epicondylitis, also...

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Acupuncture Helps Woman Overcome Early Menopause

Acupuncture Helps Woman Overcome Early Menopause. Many devotees of Acupuncture attest to the therapy’s ability to alleviate pain of all kinds. But true believers often say it can heal physical problems as well as just bring pain relief. Rosana Bouzas of Sydney, Australia, suffered early menopause and was told by...

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New Research Boosts Understanding of How Acupuncture Reduces Pain

Scientists at the University of Rochester have taken a new step toward understanding how Acupuncture works at the molecular level to ease pain. In a paper published in Nature Neuroscience, a team at the University of Rochester Medical Center described how the molecule adenosine, a naturally-produced chemical compound found in...

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