Can Acupuncture Support Weight Loss?

If you struggle with your weight you are not alone. In fact 30% of adults in the United States are considered obese. Americans spend billions each year to lose weight, yet the number of obese adults continues to rise. Unfortunately, excess weight is not just a cosmetic issue. Being overweight...

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Chinese Medicine on the Causes of Disease

Traditional Chinese medicine analyzes pathological factors based on how symptoms and signs manifest clinically.  Disease-causing factors are triggered by external influences such as variation of weather, irregular food intake, stress, lack of physical activity, and traumatic injuries.  Internal (or emotional) factors can also cause disease.  There are seven main emotions:...

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What is Acupuncture? How does it work?

Acupuncture is an ancient medicine discovered more than 5,000 years ago. Acupuncture is based on the premise that the human body strives to be healthy. Health is disturbed by internal and environmental stressors and poor nutrition. Stimulation of acupuncture points specific to your condition work to clear blockages, release tight...

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Acupuncture Today

Today, countries in Asia, such as China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea, along with Western European countries and America are constantly studying, researching and developing Acupuncture and other traditional Oriental treatment techniques.  In this modern world Acupuncture has become very popular in America, England, Germany, Brazil and France because it works...

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