Preparing for Flu Season

It is that time of year again. The cold and flu season is upon us. Unless you are a hermit during the Fall and Winter months, you have a pretty good chance of getting the flu virus. Typical flu symptoms include:  Fever with chills, Sore throat, Headaches, Coughing, Runny Nose, Fatigue and Muscle aches.

The key to prevention is a healthy immune system. To prevent the flu from striking you try to live a balanced life-style. Good nutrition and plenty of rest, keeps your body strong. Avoid being out in the cold harsh Winter environment, this can decrease your body’s defenses. People with suppressed immune systems, chronic heart or lung disease should consider vaccination (flu shot). Another way to improve your immunity is to use herbal supplements. Herbal supplements will provide added support to your immune system and help you lower the risk of getting the flu. Here are some examples of helpful herbs:

Astragalus root is an immune booster. It also has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. 1-2 cups of tea per day is the recommended dose.

Echinacea supports prevention and reduction of severity once your flu symptoms begin.

Black Elderberry Syrup enhances your immune system and has anti-oxidant activity. It is available in most health food stores, as Sambucol.

Garlic is high in allicin a potent anti-microbial agent.

Ginger has immune boosting effects. It is also a warming and anti-nausea effect. It can be helpful in reducing achy muscles and settling the stomach.

Rose Hips are very high in vitamin C.  They are also known for their antiseptic properties.

Peppermint has antiseptic and diaphoretic properties that help to eliminate the flu virus.

Shiitake mushrooms, has ingredients that enhance the immune system, as well as anti-viral effects.

Reishi mushrooms inhibit viral function, improve white blood cell counts and T-cell function. T-Cells are crucial to viral elimination.

Cold and Flu immune boosting recipes.


Prepare as you would any tea. You can purchase this tea in my clinic or at Amapola’s Tea & More store, on 129 water St. Stonington, CT  06378

2 Parts Peppermint

2 parts Astragalus

1 part Ginger Root

Mushroom Soup

1 Large Reishi Mushroom Chopped

6 Shiitaki Mushrooms Chopped

Simmer with your favorite spices for one hour.

With medicinal herbs it is best to seek the advice of a qualified herbalist before adding them to your routine. Although clerks in health stores are trying to be helpful, most of them are not qualified to advice you or provide a proper diagnosis and treatment. Always discontinue use of herbs 2 weeks prior to undergoing any surgical procedure. Use caution if you plan to use herbs during pregnancy. Most herbal supplements are safe and effective with centuries of use.

Stay Well and Live Happy

Opus Total Health ~ 401-397-6333