Help Your Community Become Healthier

Helping Our Communities to Stay Healthy
Here at Opus Acupuncture we believe that we can make a difference in people’s lives by showing them how to regain and maintain their health naturally. To help accomplish this goal we are active members of The Foundation for Wellness Professionals. This is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing disease prevention educational programs to our communities.
At this time we will be setting our calendar for 2014. If you would like us to present a workshop or lecture to your social, civic or work group let us know. No group is too small or large. We would be happy to host an event for your organization. We often present to groups such as:
Schools/PTA    Church Groups   YMCA  Local Libraries   Health Care Organizations   Business Groups
All seminars, workshops and screenings are intended to emphasize the importance of preventative care as the key to good health. We firmly believe in providing the public with information and options to maintain their health and prevent disease naturally.
We offer many lectures, however these are the ones we feel would be most beneficial. We understand that you may be interested in other great topics. So just let us know, we probably have it.
Health & Stress Workshop
Balancing Hormones Naturally
Natural Solutions to Digestive Problems
New Solutions to Eliminate Pain
Natural Solutions for Headache Pain
Five Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss
Natural Solutions to Sleep Problems
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
You can also choose to run Health Screenings/Workshops, such as:
Acupuncture Happy Hour (non-alcoholic), De-stressing Workshop (clients complete a stress survey to receive free acupuncture de-stressing treatment), Pulse Diagnosis Workshop (Pulse Diagnosis Analysis determines the presence of blood stagnation in the body’s vascular system).
Help us to provide people with natural options to regain their health & live better happier lives. Your friends will appreciate practical information they can use to improve their health.
Yours in Good Health!