Why would I bring my child for Acupuncture?
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine has been used successfully to treat many common childhood illnesses. Acupuncture works by helping activate the body’s innate natural healing ability and children often heal much more easily and quickly than adults. Children have a different energetic system than adults because they are still developing and in a constant process of growth. Young infants and children of any age respond particularly well to Acupuncture because according to TCM theory, children are most “Yang” meaning that their energy is on the surface and easy to access. Japanese pediatric acupuncture, called Shonishin, does not use regular acupuncture needles; rather it uses a variety of non-insertive tools and techniques.
What can Acupuncture treat in children and teens?
Many common childhood ailments including allergies, asthma, frequent colds, and respiratory illnesses and ear infections; digestive disorders including malnutrition, colic, constipation and diarrhea; headaches and migraines; sleep problems, nightmares, and insomnia ; teething pain, bed-wetting, anxiety and hyperactivity ; and skin conditions such as acne and eczema. Acupuncture is not limited to specific illnesses and can also be very beneficial in helping treat life-long conditions as well. If you have a specific problem that you would like to know if we can treat, please call us for a consultation.
What is Shonishin Acupuncture more specifically?
The term Shonishin translates as “children’s needle” and refers to a tradition that dates to 17th century Japan. Shonishin utilizes small tools that are specifically designed to bring the Qi to the skin surface by gently tapping, rubbing, brushing, and pressing onto the body surfaces and along the channels. The practitioner may also incorporate a Teishin, or touching needle, to further stimulate specific acupuncture points. Overall, this is a very gentle and non-invasive treatment approach that children enjoy and begin to look forward to their future treatments. While we use non-insertive techniques on our younger patients, older and more mature children may often choose to have very fine needles inserted in a few points.
How long does a typical treatment last?
A treatment can be performed in 30 minutes or less depending on the age of the child and severity of the illness. Every acupuncture treatment is designed to fit your child’s needs and suit their temperament. Because children respond so quickly they need less time for an adult treatment.
How many treatments will my child require?
The patient prognosis will depend on the child’s condition, age, and overall constitution. Children, like adults, should come in for treatment at the onset of their symptoms or soon after a diagnosis has been made from a Primary Care Physician. Ideally treatments should be administered twice a week to help ensure a rapid recovery for acute conditions, whereas more chronic conditions would benefit from regular preventative treatments over a period of time. After the initial visit the practitioner will be able to discuss with you a specified treatment plan for your child. Our treatment modalities are also complimentary to Western medicine and we will work together with your Primary Care and/or Pediatrician to provide your child with the most comprehensive care.
Can I be in the room during my child’s visit?
We strongly welcome and encourage the presence of the parent or guardian in treatment room and generally younger infants are held in your arms during the session. Because we are hands on healers and emphasize the importance of touch, we also like to be able to teach you simple techniques which you can easily use at home to help strengthen your child’s healing process.